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2-3-4 Letter Words
Make as many 2-4 letter words as possible. The Jumbly database contains almost 6,000 words - all valid for Scrabble. This game is perfect for learning those all-important short words for Scrabble. Sounds easy ? An easy start gives way to increasingly diminishing returns as you run out of words. The art is the choose the optimal moment to stop and submit your high-score... before it starts to fall !

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Make 2-4 letter words using the letters on the shelf. You have a set of 98 letters to play with. Each time you add a letter to the table, a new letter replaces it on the shelf. When you have made a word, click on "submit". Any 4 letter word is automatically submitted.? Scoring? Letter distribution and scores are the same as in Scrabble. 4 letter words obtain a 10 point bonus. Words submitted before the clock runs down obtain a 5 point bonus. 2 adjacent die-faces are the same color, those letters score double. 3 adjacent die-faces are the same color, those letters score triple. 4 adjacent die-faces are the same color, those letters score quadruple. You may only use each word once (there are almost 6,000 words in all). If you use a word more than once, the word scores negative. If you place a non-valid four letter word on the table, the score is deducted (color sequence boni do not count). You choose when the game is over: When you run out of letters in a Letter Set, you will be given the choice of - completing the Letter Set and submitting your score, - renewing the Letter Set (ie receiving 98 new letters) and continuing with the current game. ?
  • Word
  • Matching
  • Board
  • Dice
  • Color
  • Letter
  • Words
  • Dictionary
  • Scrabble
  • Word games
  • Board games
  • Parlor
  • Parlour
  • Letter games
Date added: 2011-08-08 15:10:24 CDT
Times played: 4580

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